These terms tend to conjure up thoughts of weakness, quiet, submission.
That, is unfortunate!
Think for a sec. If you were physically injured, alone with someone, and they had to pick you up and carry you to safety, would you want someone who is gentle? Of course! But to pick you up gently, they must be STRONG! Only a strong man can gently pick up an injured person without causing more pain.
Gentleness requires great strength under careful control.
“Meek” is much the same. Meek is the thought of gentle strength with a humble attitude. Not flaunting the strength, using it wisely in only the proportion required.
Jesus was the strongest man ever to walk this earth. Strong in spirit, soul, and body. He “could” do anything! Yet He chose to use his tremendous strength only when necessary, only to the extent necessary, and only to accomplish the will of the Father.
So why do we praise the strong boisterous man today? Why do we feel secure in the proud man? Politicians, athletes, celebrities, doctors, law enforcement, so often we tend to praise those who flaunt their power, even their pride! How is that of God? How can we personally seek to be gentle yet praise the boisterous?
Jesus is speaking of quiet strength here. This is a rare virtue in our world of strongmen, of pride, of flesh. It is the quiet that brings success to the strength. A loud boisterous strength is not of God, not something we should celebrate.
It is the quietly humble yet strong that God sends to inherit the earth. Samson was strong without humility, Jesus was strong with humility.
Be strong in the Lord, strong enough to move mountains, to cast out demons, to calm storms, but walk in self-control as Jesus did and gently carry the hurting to peace.